Can You Continue Side Errands and Quests After Your

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I'm not sure if I had asked this before, which would have been a long time ago, so I don't remember. I picked the Special Edition up since I couldn't originally get into Skyrim on its original release, but really want to give Skyrim, and by extension, Elder Scrolls a chance. My brother let me borrow it twice, and the game bored me that I constantly felt like falling asleep, but now that I'm pretty much only focused on it, I'm finding it to be pretty good. It's not quite as good as some of my favorite fantasy RPG's like The Witcher, Dragon Age, the Souls games, or maybe even Fable, but it's really good still and I'm hoping that in the end, I can find the same excitement and love to put it alongside those favorites. I am trying to do all the side quests before I move onto the story (and I know that'll take a lot of time) simply because I feel like it might be another Fallout 3 thing where you can't continue, and I would hate that. If I can go through the story, I may just do that, then perhaps do all the side stuff after. I'm not sure how long I've been playing so far, and I kind of wish on the stats screen there was a timer, but I'm about level 20 I think. Okay, thank you.

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You can play the side quests after the story.

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@anonymous_jesse: Cool, thanks. I should have asked sooner. Maybe I'll just start doing the story now, because I hadn't really done it yet. Onto Dragonsreach.

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I suggest going through the main story pretty early, because you gain access to some powerful abilities that way that make dragon fights much easier. Granted, there aren't a lot of those until you start doing the main quest, but you need dem souls, so you'd best start collecting now!

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@pkmnfrk: I don't think you can even fight dragons without doing some of the story stuff. I've roamed the entire world so far (as in, crossed the world and just hit 100 locations earlier, after I made this thread, so not close to all locations), and I hadn't seen any dragons. It's a story thing. As for the abilities, are you referring to the ones you get in the dungeon-like areas that have blue lettering that comes out of the walls and has the chant as you get closer? I've gotten a bunch of those so far, but yeah, I can't use any. I thought I'd start doing the story earlier, but I just kept going on with the side stuff. I hate looking at all those side missions; I have to clear them out before I move on with the story, and I'll go do the story when I have either finished those, or get tired of doing them.

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Yep.The game keeps going once you finish the main story. So you can keep doing side quests after the main story.

Avatar image for lawgamer

Wait, Skyrim has a story?!

Seriously though, yeah you can keep playing.

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Yes, you can.

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If you plan on focusing on side quests, I always liked to ignore the main quest so dragons wouldn't spawn randomly. You get the first initial dragon and that's it. There's probably a mod out there that removes the dragon soul requirements to learn shouts.

I wasn't a big fan of the main story. I enjoyed the guild stories much more.

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@ntm said:

@pkmnfrk: I don't think you can even fight dragons without doing some of the story stuff. I've roamed the entire world so far (as in, crossed the world and just hit 100 locations earlier, after I made this thread, so not close to all locations), and I hadn't seen any dragons. It's a story thing. As for the abilities, are you referring to the ones you get in the dungeon-like areas that have blue lettering that comes out of the walls and has the chant as you get closer? I've gotten a bunch of those so far, but yeah, I can't use any. I thought I'd start doing the story earlier, but I just kept going on with the side stuff. I hate looking at all those side missions; I have to clear them out before I move on with the story, and I'll go do the story when I have either finished those, or get tired of doing them.

That may be the case, I thought that maybe the dragon lairs still had dragons but maybe not. I always just got the first dragon-based mission out of the way (the one with the guard tower) up front.


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