Easy How to Paint Black African Art
Africa is a large continent full of a myriad of countries and cultures, its art cannot be defined under just one heading. "African Art" as a term, therefore, usually refers mainly to the art of Sub-Saharan Africa. The artistic trends and periods of the Mediterranean coast of Africa, or the art of the Islamic and Christian nations of Africa, have their own names, traditions, and art movements.
African Art has many characteristics, some of which include creative expressionism over realism, the prevalence of images and sculpture of the human figure, larger focus on sculpture rather than painting, abstract themes and representations, melding visual and performance arts (such as in the case of masks), and non-linear scaling.
African Art Origins and Historical Importance:
Ancient African art dates back at least 6000 years to rock art found in the Sahara. The whole of Africa was influenced by art depicting nature, both real and abstract, created by its many cultures from the Egyptians in the North and craft makers in the South over the millennia.
African Art – Chiwara
Kush (modern-day Sudan), a Nubian kingdom mentioned in Abrahamic derived religious texts, created relief sculpture to decorate palaces, and also pyramids and monuments, much like their enemies, the Egyptians.
"I really like showing what shocks people. I know that people don't like to tell the truth all the time, but what people don't like to say is exactly what drives me to paint." — Chéri Samba
The West African Nok culture (500 BC – 500 AD) of Nigeria created humanistic clay figures with long, angular bodies.
Around the 10th century AD, art became more sophisticated through the work of the Igbo Ukwu and Ile Ife. The Igbo Ukwu produced bronze and terracotta works, while the Ile Ife worked in bronze, brass, ivory, and precious stones. These artworks were status pieces for the influential and were sometimes associated with royalty.
What is called Traditional African Art is what is most commonly recognized by Westerners. Wooden masks feature heavily in Traditional artworks, and originate mostly from Western African countries. These masks are created to represent human, animal, or mythical creatures and are used for ceremonial purposes. West African Traditional Art is often very colorful and uses plant fibers, stones, gems, ivory, animal hair, and pigments in decorating the wooden pieces, including both masks and statues.
African art – The Inevitable
Westerners believed that African art was substandard due to lack of education and poverty until the Avant-garde artists of the late 19th and 20th centuries took a major interest in it. These artists saw in the art a focus on the imagination rather than a drive for realistic interpretation. The expression of feeling and emotion that emanated from these works, the colors used and the abstract execution influenced the Impressionists, Cubists, Abstract Expressionists and other art schools of the modern era.
"African art is functional, it serves a purpose. It's not dormant. It's not a means to collect the largest cheering section. It should be healing, a source a joy. Spreading positive vibrations." – Mos Def
African Art Key Highlights
- The people of Ghana carry on the Traditional movement with brightly colored, personalized funereal caskets based on the desires and personalities of the deceased. The caskets take the form of fish, cars, birds, and other objects that were dear to the departed.
- Contemporary African Art is often ignored because of the focus of collectors on Traditional pieces, and some collectors mistakenly assume that their art is derived from Modern Western artists such as Picasso, when it is quite the opposite.
African Art – Destiny
- In Zambia, creating art is a prized pastime and artists often use any found objects as media. Artist Cynthia Zukas founded the Lechwe Trust there to support artists and provide them with materials and art education.
- Detailed bronze sculptures are fashioned by the Dogon, but are religious and therefore are kept hidden away.
- In Gabon, the Fang people make Bieri, boxes carved with protective figures to hold and protect the remains of their ancestors.
- Some of the oldest examples of painting come from Botswana and were painted over 20,000 years ago. Painted by the San people, they depict scenes of hunting, human figures, and animals.
- African paintings are often very colorful, moving, and intellectually stimulating.
- Many African cultures do indeed create wondrous wooden sculptures, intricate weaving, and colorful textiles, but this is not the whole of African Art. There are, and have been, many painters and sculptors of other media that have been overlooked because of Western assumption that they do not exist.
African Art Top Works
- Henry Tayali – Destiny
- Bambara People – Bamana n'tomo mask
- Bambara People – Chiwara
- Odùduwà Atewonron "Jingbinni bi Ate'kun"
- Ghanese Fantasy Coffins
- Gilbert G. Groud – Childsoldier in the Ivory Coast
- Makonde People – ebony carvings
- Ibrahim El Salahi – The Inevitable
- Willie Bester – Semakazi
- Cheri Samba – Sida
- Twins Seven Seven – Healing of Abiku Children
- Nicholas Nana Yaw Kowalski – Women
Art History Movements (Order by the period of origin)
Dawn of Man – BC 10
Paleolithic Art (Dawn of Man – 10,000 BC), Neolithic Art (8000 BC – 500 AD), Egyptian Art (3000 BC - 100 AD), Ancient Near Eastern Art (Neolithic era – 651 BC), Bronze and Iron Age Art (3000 BC – Debated), Aegean Art (2800-100 BC), Archaic Greek Art (660-480 BC), Classical Greek Art (480-323 BC ), Hellenistic Art (323 BC – 27 BC), Etruscan Art (700 - 90 BC)
1st Century to 10th Century
Roman Art (500 BC – 500 AD), Celtic Art. Parthian and Sassanian Art (247 BC – 600 AD), Steppe Art (9000BC – 100 AD), Indian Art (3000 BC - current), Southeast Asian Art (2200 BC - Present), Chinese and Korean Art, Japanese Art (11000 BC – Present), Early Christian Art (260-525 AD, Byzantine Art (330 – 1453 AD), Irish Art (3300 BC - Present), Anglo Saxon Art (450 – 1066 AD), Viking Art (780 AD-1100AD), Islamic Art (600 AD-Present)
10thCentury to 15th Century
Pre Columbian Art (13,000 BC – 1500 AD), North American Indian and Inuit Art (4000 BC - Present), African Art (), Oceanic Art (1500 – 1615 AD), Carolingian Art (780-900 AD), Ottonian Art (900 -1050 AD), Romanesque Art (1000 AD – 1150 AD), Gothic Art (1100 – 1600 AD), The survival of Antiquity ()
Art History - 15th century onwards
Renaissance Style (1300-1700), The Northern Renaissance (1500 - 1615), Mannerism (1520 – 17th Century), The Baroque (1600-1700), The Rococo (1600-1700), Neo Classicism (1720 - 1830), Romanticism (1790 -1890), Realism (1848 - Present), Impressionism (1860 - 1895), Post-Impressionism (1886 - 1904), Symbolism and Art Nouveau (1880 -1910), Fauvism , Expressionism (1898 - 1920), Cubism . Futurism (1907-1928 )Abstract Art (1907 – Present Day), Dadasim,. Surrealism (1916 - 1970),. Latin American Art (1492 - Present, Modern American Art (1520 – 17th Century), Postwar European Art (1945 - 1970), Australian Art (28,000 BC - Present), South African Art (98,000 BC - Present)
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African Art – Major Artworks
Source: https://www.theartist.me/art-movement/african-art/
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