Legends of Tomorrow Here I Go Again Tv Tropes
Erstwhile trope, but done so well!
Yep, the whole trapped in a time loop bit has been done, merely I'll be darned if this isn't 1 of the all-time episodes of the flavour.
In that location is a surprising lot of center and sense of humour to this episode. Though they practise nothing new with the time loop concept, they manage to write some surprisingly skilful material. (And it doesn't injure that the episode is self-referential virtually more famous fourth dimension loop story lines.) Being a bottle episode, a lot more than time is spent on the main characters and information technology works pretty well.
I've thought that Zari has been a decent protagonist so far, but this is the moment I've realized I genuinely similar her. She steals the evidence: both very funny and very sympathetic and dramatic. For a bear witness that starts out humorous, information technology actually hits y'all in the feels in the stop.
Probably i of their best episodes.
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Hedgehog day episode
You become to know the characters in this one and it has a groundhog 24-hour interval theme. Very well washed.
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Best episode, a sci-fi movie on itself
This one is by far the best episode of the entire series, information technology reminds me the quality of Star Trek TNG episodic Sci-Fi stories, centered on one sailor, I enjoy this episode more than that entire flavour of Star Expedition Discovery. Acting is superb, Tala Ashe (Zari) does a wonderful job as a lead for this episode, and reveals a graphic symbol full of potential, beyond what we saw until now. Everyone gets some extra item, fifty-fifty Gideon, anyway, without spoilers I can't say much, there are enough references and details in this episode to brand information technology enjoyable to even the most casual Sci-Fi fan. I recommend this episode fifty-fifty to people that doesn't sentinel the series, it works every bit a movie on itself.
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Ane of my favorite episodes ever! It was done and so well!
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Best episode of Legends of Tomorrow (Possibly one of the all-time episodes of arrowverse)
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No doubtfulness this episode is inspired past Groundhog day (in a way). Only I loved how they make Nate reference information technology. Also I virtually savage out of the chair when Ray mentioned the Star Trek TNG episode - Cause and Effect as it is the same story. Tomaz gave an exceptional performance proving she belongs in Arrowverse. As well the rare appearance of Gideon in human form was besides fun to watch. The 9.1 user rating in imdb is thoroughly deserved. It had perfect balance of humour, emotions and plot.
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Best Episode in season three so far!
I love information technology! Its full of character evolution, great story, funny dialog. I hope the ending could be more than heartwarming. Lets keep Tomaz in the team for next season! The bese episode in this flavor si far!
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Bright episode
Warning: Spoilers
I want to say thanks to whoever wrote this episode, whether it was inspired by 1, or made by a writing team. I'm a huge fan of mysteries and whodunnits, and this was a archetype example of a vivid mystery. The clever hints hidden at the commencement of the episode was perfect. I would have gotten the twist if this was not a scifi prove and my mind didn't wander into different time-travel scenarios. That twist was such a perfectly unproblematic solution. Again, to the writers, thank you!!!
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Zuri'south Rewind
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Warning practise non read unless seen episode.
This is one of my favorite episodes of the testify, it'due south "Legends of Tomorrow" doing "Groundhog Day", this isn't annihilation new but it's really in it's execution. What makes this episode stand out is the fact that information technology'south focused on the newest fellow member Zuri. I always like episodes that shine the spotlight on someone that never had much time in the spotlight, it actually gives that character a run a risk to smoothen but besides shows how it'due south not simply certain fundamental grapheme that inhabit the earth their in.
Really similar the dynamic she has with Nate (which of form is somewhat of a foreshadowing for latter on) as both are in the detective roles. At first, information technology'due south a mystery where we're all trying to find the bomb, but really the whole flop is a McGuffin device by its nature. Here nosotros run across both are really discovering different things almost each of the team members behind closed doors; this is interesting because it'south true we never really know the private lives of our neighbors. My favorite one was with Mick; information technology was really funny how serious he is near keeping his secret every bit nosotros see all of the multiple traps he installed simply to hide the story he's writing. That'due south understandable, a writer myself I never want anyone to read my piece of work until it'due south finished, let along want to keep the details acme secret.
Really liked the fun montage, which was fun and funny, seeing Zuri merely just doing whatsoever she wants to exercise within the 60 minutes. From having some sort of whip cream eating contest with Nate, reading Mick's story which turns out to be proficient, Zuri wearing costumes, and a petty moment that was an homage to a "Hard Day's Nighttime".
Simply of course, we see near the terminate, things get serious and it a sad moment when we see Zuri is just in a land of absolute despair. She is so emotionally far down in the pits we see her become suicidal. We and then see Sara talk her down and connect with her by assertive in her, just also shows that Zuri's not lone.
This episode just has a lot of things from connection, bring out into the open up any it is we keep hidden, and how one person tin deeply affect a family and how important they truly are for there can never truly exist a family without one.
Rating: 4 stars
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Disco costumes + Hedgehog Day + Pervy AI = Run Romp
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The secrets revealed confirmed things already suspected such some of the Legends' romantic shenanigans or showed things unexpected such as Mick's book. The Groundhog Mean solar day repetition of Ray's diagnosis for Zari, Mick'south boobie traps, getting Nick'southward aid, Zari's cue cards, were only some of the delightful takes on the movie.
Too, I want to see the mentioned but unseen Bonaparte in 1975 mission with the botched disco musical number in all its celebrity on the dvd ready.
Zari really has been flying under the radar since she joined the team and this was a much needed ep to bring her into the foreground. While some might discover her big moment a trivial forced, I think everything she went through repeatedly aid sell that moment betwixt her and the team.
The twist did experience a fleck unnecessary and took away some of the oomph from Zari, but it was to clasp in a lot of exposition re her identify on the team, and we get to see Gideon who was right about Gary.
The ruby on acme, though, has to exist CWLegends' bts instagram of the homage to the Bee Gee'due south Staying Alive. That'due south an accented must-run across, and should have been how the ep ends rather than the actual end scene. Different We Are The FlashIris,This is Legends of Tomorrow which doesn't need a hook to go viewers to scout each calendar week.
Score: ix.1
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Alert: Spoilers
Best episode yet this season and mybe even one of the best episodes in the entire arrowverse
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Groundhog Day Meets the Legends of Tomorrow
This episode was WONDERFUL! Just a joy to watch from commencement to end. While I already liked Zari, she did feel a fiddling separate from the remainder of the team, but, in the bridge of one episode, now feels as fundamental as any of the major characters. Her team-upward with Nate - the but one who would believe her when she said she was stuck in a fourth dimension loop - was absolutely hysterical. More of them together please! The plot device of the bomb exploding the ship every hour was a great way for Zari to bond with the coiffure, and led to some truly hilarious and heartfelt revelations. The greatest of these existence, of class, what Zari and Nate discover well-nigh Mick. Oh Mick, never change! This episode is the best of the season so far, and ane of the best of not only Legends of Tomorrow, but of the unabridged arrowverse! Props to Caity Lotz and Brandon Routh, who took more of a backseat here, simply who were so not bad, as usual. Special shoutout to Nick Zano for a fantastic performance - his warmth and sense of comedic timing stole the show - he is such an incredible force! But the MVP of this episode is without a uncertainty Tala Ashe, who gives what may be the best performance and then far this season...on any of the arrowverse shows. Seriously, her performance here rivals Caity Lotz'due south during the finale of flavour ii of Legends. All in all, an amazing episode!
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Damn... Unnecessary!
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This episode is one of the most unecessary episodes that I accept ever seen from any of the Arrowverse shows. I understood that information technology gave some needed screentime for one of the least developed members, but I didn't think this episode had any place in this space. Let's get-go out with the positives. I liked that this episode was focused on Zari, considering she is one of those characters who needs a bit more development, equally she hasn't gotten the best so far. She is an interesting graphic symbol in herself, but I haven't gotten that episode that actually made me like her. Until now, because this episode fabricated me appreciate her spot on the team a little bit more I did earlier, although I even so don't think we take gotten the right amount of character evolution for this specific graphic symbol.
I desire to give some huge congrats to the editors of this episode. I have a feeling that an episode with this specific storyline tin be difficult to edit together, merely I call up they managed to exercise it perfectly. The mode they edited around the destruction of the ship and simply went into the same scene but with some other lighting or some insignia to tell the audience that this was not the same scene. I really like that. I also liked how the scene showing the destruction of the ship appeared multiple times in the episode, and that they kept that scene consistent without really irresolute that much.
I constitute some of the moments in this episode really funny. There were multiple scenes where they comment on Rory and his love for writing and the fact that he was writing a novel, was 1 of the best reveals this bear witness has ever washed. Information technology makes sense to give Rory these weird habits that he probably wouldn't have had elsewhere. I besides liked the montage where we see Zari have some fun on the send instead of worrying about it existence destroyed. That was a funny scene that added some cool things to this character and made her a little bit more relatable.
Nevertheless, this was not an episode that I will ever call back. The episode got its title from a segment in an ABBA song, and there were simply as well many ABBA references in this episode. As I said, I loved the sense of humour in this episode, but I still don't call back that humor has to be cheesy in club to be funny, and many of these references simply stood out as cheesy to me. I love ABBA as much as any other living man being, only I don't need to exist reminded about them every other scene.
This episode likewise threw every last bit of logic left in this testify out in the toilet. The fact that Zari simply had to say two words to Nate in club for him to understand and totally believe what was going on, seemed like a weird decision to me and made Nate seem fifty-fifty more dumb than he actually is. I too think that a lot of the characters made some weird decisions, and I recollect Zari even came with the weirdest option equally to why the send exploded, instead of simply seeing the obvious affair, which was that she had done something wrong. Had that been her outset thought, this episode could take been a lot better.
I also think the episode got unecessarily night at times. There is a scene where Zari is about to impale herself, and while I understand the conclusion behind it, this is non the show for a scene like that. And then, she is almost to cede herself in order to save her friends, which is probably a heroic moment for her, but the writing made is so incredibly cringeworthy. I didn't believe her decision based of what she had heard from the other coiffure members while in the loop, and I don't think the writers did justice to the character in a scene that could have been very emotionally draining.
In the finish, this was an incredibly unecessary episode, and the explanation as to why this is all happening fabricated me and so disappointed. I didn't like the reveal at the terminate with Gideon, and I don't think they needed to do this for a bottle episode. I could have thought of so many other and more impressive things they could take done, than this weird stuff.
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Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6464562/reviews
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